Hochzeitsfotograf Hamburg - Ihr Fotograf für eine unvergängliche Hochzeit

4 weeks seychelles

22. Dezember 2014

I have been 4 weeks to Seychelles!

But this time I wanted the full program. Not just 5 days like my first visit, where I didn’t know anyone and was just doing my job. Only here and there some pictures at the beach.

Also not only 10 days, like the second time. That was more time, but I could only make things a little bit and then had to go home again.
I wanted the full program. Beeing lazy, do something without having to look at the calendar if I have to leave.

Just take it all or nothing. The main thing was: Enjoying the new world! That’s what I’ve done.
I was traveling a lot, it was all so interesting! And if you open one door, you find again several other interesting little doors that you all would like to open.
I can not even mess around like chilling out. There is always  something that you can do.
But well, I have also taken time for myself.

But I wanted to share with you anyway. So I filmed small videologs in interesting situations.
You can them all again on my youtube channel, there are even videos that I had not shown yet.
And my camera was, of course, almost always with me!

I learned a lot, or nothing. I think I got pretty good  input, but in 4 weeks you can not change mind mind, even though so many impressions take place. All I know is that it works! I think I’ve discovered the point where I decide what happens, how much and when.

I think it’s enough said, most of the information you get in my Youtube channel, and the rest here in the pictures. Until next time! :)